Monday, February 28, 2005
I'm back to punching my favorite conservative rag, Talon News. Maybe this gets old for some of my dear readers, but not for me. Please allow me to indulge my desire to beat up on the ideologically braindead.
Let's start with the following quote:
"...these are not just run of the mill aspirants in politics. These are people who openly and effectively worked solidly against their country in whatever way they could in order to gain personal and political power."
Who do you suppose the author, George Haddad (, is talking about? Brace yourself; public school teachers.
According to Mr. Haddad, public school teachers in general, and teachers unions in specific, are the vanguard of a:
"...grim battle for the minds of children. A battle in which the intensity has increased in direct proportion to the added strength of socialist forces (teachers unions) intent on destroying the free enterprise system."
It scares me to think that many conservatives believe this. The Right seems to think the National Education Association is controlled by the Comintern, the goal of which is to brainwash our nation's youth. Never mind that the Comintern went the way of the Dodo with the fall of the Berlin wall. Socialism is still lurking in the shadows of any progressive thinking organization. The forces of Communism... err, Socialism, are merely in retreat, not defeat. We must stand vigil. Our way of life is under threat by the Red Menace!
Far too much energy is spent on such delusional thinking. It's a tragic waste.
I'm back to punching my favorite conservative rag, Talon News. Maybe this gets old for some of my dear readers, but not for me. Please allow me to indulge my desire to beat up on the ideologically braindead.
Let's start with the following quote:
"...these are not just run of the mill aspirants in politics. These are people who openly and effectively worked solidly against their country in whatever way they could in order to gain personal and political power."
Who do you suppose the author, George Haddad (, is talking about? Brace yourself; public school teachers.
According to Mr. Haddad, public school teachers in general, and teachers unions in specific, are the vanguard of a:
"...grim battle for the minds of children. A battle in which the intensity has increased in direct proportion to the added strength of socialist forces (teachers unions) intent on destroying the free enterprise system."
It scares me to think that many conservatives believe this. The Right seems to think the National Education Association is controlled by the Comintern, the goal of which is to brainwash our nation's youth. Never mind that the Comintern went the way of the Dodo with the fall of the Berlin wall. Socialism is still lurking in the shadows of any progressive thinking organization. The forces of Communism... err, Socialism, are merely in retreat, not defeat. We must stand vigil. Our way of life is under threat by the Red Menace!
Far too much energy is spent on such delusional thinking. It's a tragic waste.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
I am really sick of the knee jerk reactionaries howling about "vanishing American jobs". From the mainstream rants of Lou Dobbs (on CNN) to the neo-Marxist left, there is an air of hysteria about the future economy.
I stumbled across a good analysis of the American job sceen. The "Take Away" section of the abstract does a nice job of summarizing why the domestic, media driven debate is soooo far from accurate - if only this article had been available during the Presidential elections.
These issue are the inverse of what I've blogged about before (tarrifs are not the way to keep "good" jobs in America). Free Trade does NOT destroy jobs. Free trade does not oppress people - even if you define "oppression" as taking their job away. Under a capitalist economy, jobs appear and disappear as companies thrive or fold. The McKinnsley Quarterly article provides a good frame work for understanding what drives this job cycle. Notice that "free trade" is not why there are less manufacturing jobs in American during 2005 as compare to 1905. The sooner we realize that "free trade" is a red herring, the sooner we can move towards policies that actual improve people's lives.
I am really sick of the knee jerk reactionaries howling about "vanishing American jobs". From the mainstream rants of Lou Dobbs (on CNN) to the neo-Marxist left, there is an air of hysteria about the future economy.
I stumbled across a good analysis of the American job sceen. The "Take Away" section of the abstract does a nice job of summarizing why the domestic, media driven debate is soooo far from accurate - if only this article had been available during the Presidential elections.
These issue are the inverse of what I've blogged about before (tarrifs are not the way to keep "good" jobs in America). Free Trade does NOT destroy jobs. Free trade does not oppress people - even if you define "oppression" as taking their job away. Under a capitalist economy, jobs appear and disappear as companies thrive or fold. The McKinnsley Quarterly article provides a good frame work for understanding what drives this job cycle. Notice that "free trade" is not why there are less manufacturing jobs in American during 2005 as compare to 1905. The sooner we realize that "free trade" is a red herring, the sooner we can move towards policies that actual improve people's lives.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
It figures that partisan Republicans would crucify Douglas Wead, the guy who released surreptitiously recorded tapes of G W Bush admitting to smoking pot.
When the then Presidential candidate, Al Gore, admitted smoking pot during his youth, he was greeted with a hail of "he's not morally fit to lead". I'm paraphrasing here. The Shrub wasn't as he mocked Gore.
There's the hypocrisy. The Shrub privately admits to using pot and publicly denies it. This pattern of deceit is the model for his foreign and domestic policies. "Trust Me", he says while lying. It's disgusting.
It figures that partisan Republicans would crucify Douglas Wead, the guy who released surreptitiously recorded tapes of G W Bush admitting to smoking pot.
When the then Presidential candidate, Al Gore, admitted smoking pot during his youth, he was greeted with a hail of "he's not morally fit to lead". I'm paraphrasing here. The Shrub wasn't as he mocked Gore.
There's the hypocrisy. The Shrub privately admits to using pot and publicly denies it. This pattern of deceit is the model for his foreign and domestic policies. "Trust Me", he says while lying. It's disgusting.
Friday, February 04, 2005
"The Propoganda President" is an interesting read from Jack Shafer, Slate's editor at large.
Give it a read. I provides very nice examples of the Shrubs duplicity. I'll never understand how conservatives can call former Prez Clinton, "one of history's greatest political chameleons" (when they're being polite), yet fail to see the Shrubs machinations.
"The Propoganda President" is an interesting read from Jack Shafer, Slate's editor at large.
Give it a read. I provides very nice examples of the Shrubs duplicity. I'll never understand how conservatives can call former Prez Clinton, "one of history's greatest political chameleons" (when they're being polite), yet fail to see the Shrubs machinations.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Did you know that there is a Christian Underground? I didn't.
I was really surprised. Afterall, the Christians seem to have a firm hold on mainstream America. You don't see a Muslim president or a Jewish VP (although we should have in 2000). Never, never, never would an atheist have a prayer at the Senate Majority Leadership slot. Which leads me back to the question, why do Christians need an underground when they control the establishment (the above-ground, if you will)?
For answers, lets look at a survey on the Christian Underground site titled, "How do you feel about...":
Homosexual marriage: 88% Strongly Oppose
Abortion: 82% Strongly Oppose
Secular Humanism Taught in Schools: 77% Strongly Oppose
Abstinence Education: 76% Strongly Support
So Called "Hate Crime" Legislation: 67% Strongly Oppose
Social Liberal Politicians: 76% Strongly Oppose
The ACLU: 82% Strongly Oppose
A crack-pot ideology should be clear from these survey answers. If not, here's another clue, the website's banner has the words "Christian Underground" surrounded by barbed wire. Clearly, member of this nitch of the underground are under threat. Or so they believe.
I looked hard to find a connection to any crack-pot I was already familiar with. No luck, no links to Dr. Dino. No links to the Left Behinders. In fact, no links to anyone or anything which would shed light on who runs this website - only a generic "administrator" email. There wasn't even an "about us" link. Clearly those who run this website do not want to advertise.
Their private nature is further evidenced by their PRIVATE email forum. If you're not registered with the site, then you can't get to the message boards. You know, they want to keep those evil-secular humanists out.
Their politics suggest extreme right wing conservatism. Their website suggests suspicion to the point of delusion. I can't help but wonder if they believe the government is run by an evil cabal of liberals out to destroy the Christian way of life. It must be very trying to live in a time where the first sign of nefarious government involvement is an official denial. Afterall, just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you. Kinda makes me nostalgic for the good of days of Roman style persecution. Being nailed to a cross is much easier on the psyche - at least then I'd KNOW I'm a martyr.
Did you know that there is a Christian Underground? I didn't.
I was really surprised. Afterall, the Christians seem to have a firm hold on mainstream America. You don't see a Muslim president or a Jewish VP (although we should have in 2000). Never, never, never would an atheist have a prayer at the Senate Majority Leadership slot. Which leads me back to the question, why do Christians need an underground when they control the establishment (the above-ground, if you will)?
For answers, lets look at a survey on the Christian Underground site titled, "How do you feel about...":
Homosexual marriage: 88% Strongly Oppose
Abortion: 82% Strongly Oppose
Secular Humanism Taught in Schools: 77% Strongly Oppose
Abstinence Education: 76% Strongly Support
So Called "Hate Crime" Legislation: 67% Strongly Oppose
Social Liberal Politicians: 76% Strongly Oppose
The ACLU: 82% Strongly Oppose
A crack-pot ideology should be clear from these survey answers. If not, here's another clue, the website's banner has the words "Christian Underground" surrounded by barbed wire. Clearly, member of this nitch of the underground are under threat. Or so they believe.
I looked hard to find a connection to any crack-pot I was already familiar with. No luck, no links to Dr. Dino. No links to the Left Behinders. In fact, no links to anyone or anything which would shed light on who runs this website - only a generic "administrator" email. There wasn't even an "about us" link. Clearly those who run this website do not want to advertise.
Their private nature is further evidenced by their PRIVATE email forum. If you're not registered with the site, then you can't get to the message boards. You know, they want to keep those evil-secular humanists out.
Their politics suggest extreme right wing conservatism. Their website suggests suspicion to the point of delusion. I can't help but wonder if they believe the government is run by an evil cabal of liberals out to destroy the Christian way of life. It must be very trying to live in a time where the first sign of nefarious government involvement is an official denial. Afterall, just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you. Kinda makes me nostalgic for the good of days of Roman style persecution. Being nailed to a cross is much easier on the psyche - at least then I'd KNOW I'm a martyr.