Friday, April 15, 2005
"Answer me, is the causus belli of promoting democracy in the Middle East more weighty for waging war than the systematic murder of your own citizens?"
Even if this statement sounds reasonable, it isn't. These defiant words illustrate that it's not just Muslims who are extremists. Good 'ole, white, christian boys like Eric Rudolph can twist the illusion of divine cause just as surely as the boy's in Baghdad.
It's tragically funny that some people disposed to truely grok god seem least able to keep perspective. After all, Eric Rudolph's theological vision is as incompatable with Islam as it with the folks over at the Healing Temple of the Living Light. Certainty that their version of god is the one TRUE version allowed him to perpetrate violence.
I don't blame god, or belief in him/her/it. It's people. And neither the color of skin nor zaineyness of creed prevents violence. Systematic use of violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve an end, is terrorism (by definintion). And that is what Eric Rudolph is.
But he's white and christian, so he can't be. Were is name Abdul or Mohammed there would be no plea. The label of, "Terrorist!" would have been so quickly affixed that this post would have been about the injustice of the death penalty, not the injustice of social bigotry.
PS - I do not mean to imply that the people at the School of Light Body Medicine are terrorists. Quite the opposite in fact, they appear to be healers of an alternative variety.
"Answer me, is the causus belli of promoting democracy in the Middle East more weighty for waging war than the systematic murder of your own citizens?"
Even if this statement sounds reasonable, it isn't. These defiant words illustrate that it's not just Muslims who are extremists. Good 'ole, white, christian boys like Eric Rudolph can twist the illusion of divine cause just as surely as the boy's in Baghdad.
It's tragically funny that some people disposed to truely grok god seem least able to keep perspective. After all, Eric Rudolph's theological vision is as incompatable with Islam as it with the folks over at the Healing Temple of the Living Light. Certainty that their version of god is the one TRUE version allowed him to perpetrate violence.
I don't blame god, or belief in him/her/it. It's people. And neither the color of skin nor zaineyness of creed prevents violence. Systematic use of violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve an end, is terrorism (by definintion). And that is what Eric Rudolph is.
But he's white and christian, so he can't be. Were is name Abdul or Mohammed there would be no plea. The label of, "Terrorist!" would have been so quickly affixed that this post would have been about the injustice of the death penalty, not the injustice of social bigotry.
PS - I do not mean to imply that the people at the School of Light Body Medicine are terrorists. Quite the opposite in fact, they appear to be healers of an alternative variety.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Don't watch the Weather Channel! They are political stooges! They don't know anything about the weather, they're only interested in pursuing a scientifically dubious version of the world where humans play a roll in the warming of the Earth. As we all know, global warming is bullshit. Well, we know that if we are good conservative, christian Republicans.
Oops, I'm not a conservative, christian Republican. How could I be so gulible?!? It must have been that suave, compelling writing by Senior Staff Writer, Marc Morano.
Don't watch the Weather Channel! They are political stooges! They don't know anything about the weather, they're only interested in pursuing a scientifically dubious version of the world where humans play a roll in the warming of the Earth. As we all know, global warming is bullshit. Well, we know that if we are good conservative, christian Republicans.
Oops, I'm not a conservative, christian Republican. How could I be so gulible?!? It must have been that suave, compelling writing by Senior Staff Writer, Marc Morano.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
...Because I just don't get why in god's-oh-so-tarnished name the Supreme Court is evil. Did you know Terry Shiavo was a modern day Joan of Ark? She sacrifice herself so as to be the martyr that ushers in a righteous revolution. You don't believe me? Perhaps you'll believe Dr. Eberle:
Greetings to the GOPUSA/Millions of Americans Family of Activists!
The Terri Schiavo case may be the beginning of the war for the Supreme Court and the rollback of liberal judicial tyranny!
In its special report, NewsMax reports that an out-of-control judiciary -- "legislating" gay marriage, forced starvation, and worse -- must be stopped.
Find out why Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia is likely to replace Justice Rehnquist. PLUS get the new, best-selling book by Mark Levin, "Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America" -- a $32 value with shipping FREE!
Read more about NewsMax's exclusive report below or go here now for the FREE offer:!
Keep up the fight,
Bobby Eberle
Robert R. Eberle, Ph.D.
President and CEO, GOPUSA
I swear, these zealots will be satisfied with nothing but total domination of American life. Afterall, do you know how many times President Bush has interrupted his vacation to return to the Whitehouse to sign emergency legislation? Exactly once, for Mrs. Shiavo.
This must not be enough for the conservative cultural warriors. If Presidential attention is not enough, what is? I'm quite sure I won't like their answer.
...Because I just don't get why in god's-oh-so-tarnished name the Supreme Court is evil. Did you know Terry Shiavo was a modern day Joan of Ark? She sacrifice herself so as to be the martyr that ushers in a righteous revolution. You don't believe me? Perhaps you'll believe Dr. Eberle:
Greetings to the GOPUSA/Millions of Americans Family of Activists!
The Terri Schiavo case may be the beginning of the war for the Supreme Court and the rollback of liberal judicial tyranny!
In its special report, NewsMax reports that an out-of-control judiciary -- "legislating" gay marriage, forced starvation, and worse -- must be stopped.
Find out why Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia is likely to replace Justice Rehnquist. PLUS get the new, best-selling book by Mark Levin, "Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America" -- a $32 value with shipping FREE!
Read more about NewsMax's exclusive report below or go here now for the FREE offer:!
Keep up the fight,
Bobby Eberle
Robert R. Eberle, Ph.D.
President and CEO, GOPUSA
I swear, these zealots will be satisfied with nothing but total domination of American life. Afterall, do you know how many times President Bush has interrupted his vacation to return to the Whitehouse to sign emergency legislation? Exactly once, for Mrs. Shiavo.
This must not be enough for the conservative cultural warriors. If Presidential attention is not enough, what is? I'm quite sure I won't like their answer.